Crisp white paper, bold colors sharp corners and extremely well centered.
The coin you see here is the exact coin you will receive.
PCGS Banknote Information
According to the PCGS Certification Database, the requested certification number is defined as the following:
Note # | 1101086 |
Serial # | 3923427 |
Plate # | C7/15 |
Date | 1896 |
Denomination | $1 |
Catalog | Friedberg Number 224 |
Security | Protected by NFC anti-counterfeiting technology |
Region | The United States of America |
Grade |
Gem UNC 65 PPQ |
Details | Silver Certificate, Small Red with Rays |
Signature(s) | Tillman, Morgan |
Population | 9 |
Pop Higher | 5 |
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Our Terms Are Very Simple: We don’t have a need for fine print and long, drawn-out policies. We’re simple. You purchase the listed item, we ship it insured and with a signature required. You have “X” number of days to love it as per our return policy. If you like it, you keep it. If you don’t like it, just email us for an RA number and we will send you a return label. We receive it, we refund you. Very simple plan. We want you happy and to return as a client.